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The solution for managing the window hole
Struttura di un appartamento con grandi vetrate

Solutions designed for domestic well-being

The company’s core business, certified and innovative, represenrs the perfect union between the casing and the window.

Counterframe, box and roller shutters united in a single product, quick to instal, designed to accommodate any type of window or door.

Intended for new buildings or energy renovation/requalification works, the monoblock guarantees high thermal and acoustic insulation; furthermore, it elegantly satisfying modern aesthetic standards by blending in the walls, almost disappearing.

Our Monoblocks

Insulated Monoblock

All departments, from design to logistics, work in perfect synergy in the production of the best possible product to manage the window hole: the monoblock.

Intended for new buildings or energy requalification works, the monoblock guarantees high thermal and acoustic insulation; furthermore, it elegantly satisfying modern aesthetic standards by blending in the walls, almost disappearing.

The best solution to manage the window hole

Monoblocco per finestra coibentato con sotto bancale

Boxes and Counterframes

Tecno Profili boxes are designed to adapt to different requirements and to every type of window, satisfying every need thanks to a rich range of models. They can be made of high-density expanded polystyrene or multilayer wood, empty or equipped with accessories.

The counterframes, also made to measure and in different materials, are equipped with a lower insulation to guarantee better thermal and acoustic insulation.

Our Models

All the departments, from design to logistics, work in perfect synergy in the production of the best possible product to manage of the window: the monoblock. Counterframe, box and roller shutters united in a single product, quick to install, designed to accommodate any type of window or door.

Starting from the raw material, the carpentry department creates made-to-measure counterframes and boxes of the highest quality and in accordance with current regulations. Thanks to the help of the work centre and the hot-wire pantograph present in the department, we create insulated shoulders and project boxes.

Speed, Customisation and Eco-sustainability

Features and Benefits

icona realizzare con semplicità Tecno Profili

Ease of use

Simple and very quick assembly without interrupting construction work.

icona progettazione Tecno Profili


Customisable and adaptable to different requirements and all types of windows and doors.

icona per isolamento termico Tecno Profili

Thermal and acoustic insulation

Excellent performance in terms of thermal and acoustic insulation.

Respect for the environment

Efficient solutions that improve the internal comfort of buildings and are good for the environment.

Avviso: Chiusura estiva dal 12/08 al 18/08. Le attività riprenderanno lunedì 19 Agosto